Tuesday, July 13, 2010


ARIZONA BORDERS AND CITIZEN SAFETY...Image by roberthuffstutter via Flickr
Lately Arizona has been in the news about their immigration laws and enforcement. I understand the argument for the lawsuit against the state, however I do not agree with the lawsuit.
First of all I feel that a state needs to be able to act in its best interest without causing harm to the rest of the country.
Second, if the federal government is not enforcing its laws or able to protect its own country, it is leaving it up to the individual states to protect themselves and deal with the problems caused by lax immigration law enforcement.
I believe that immigration needs to be enforced and the punishment for illegal immigration to be strong. I do believe in giving people a chance to become citizens, just do it legally. Most people have ancestors who were immigrants and majority were legal. They did what they had to do to become citizens, worked hard, learned the language, adapted to the culture while bring their own flair. They did not however demand handouts, degrade our country by putting it down, or ask everyone to accommodate to them.
I understand it is difficult in some countries and they do not have the same freedoms and opportunities as we have been privileged to have, but neither did our forefathers they faced many different problems in their home countries before making the trip, many leaving family members behind and having nothing but the clothes on their backs when they got here. The difference they went through the proper channels even if it was easier than now it was the Legal way.

I support Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox's plans to file a legal brief supporting Arizona's immigration law and sending a letter asking other state attorneys general to join him. I hope the lawsuit fails or that law is changed so that states like Arizona my be able to protect its borders preferably with the federal governments help not hinderence. Not only do I support any state law to protect itself from criminals (yes illegal immigrants are criminals), and that think every state should have a policy on enforcing immigration laws.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

My road being paved

Hello everyone!
I have been taking a long time to get started so I finally decided to just wing it and write. Today I am going to get started on road construction which I am sure that this topic in itself is unlimited, but recently I had the pleasure of my road being resurfaced and all the headaches that is associated with that. Don’t get me wrong I am glad to see my road being worked on but I have a list of complaints.
1. There are many roads that are in worse shape than my road that could be fixed especially roads that are heavily traveled.
2. All the flags, cones, barrels, signs in my yard that I have to move or mow around. Not to mention killing some of my grass.
3. Closing my street so I can’t park in my driveway or out front.
4. Being told by the city to have your trash down the street for pickup only to have neighbors don’t and the trucks still go down the street to for pickup.
5. Water pipe break while trying to do laundry, dishes and cooking so no water for at least a few hours. (Luckily it didn’t take too long and I was still able to take a shower and finish the wash so I could pack for my trip out of town.)
6. Unable to sleep in the morning do to the noise.
7. When it comes time to finally finish paving the road which a neighbor decides to park their vehicle on the road and no one was around to move it out of the way so they could pave. Hello a few more days of a closed road 
Okay I know I should just stop complaining but seriously people why would you leave your car on the very road that was prepped and ready to go to be paved. Park the vehicle you are not using in the drive or down the street while you are gone! Why make everyone else have to wait and cause more time for the construction crews.
Maybe I can hit on other construction issues later and especially my issues with people whom I will say need a course in commonsense. Maybe we can idiot proof the world one word at a time?!?
Most likely not, too many are out there and most think they have commonsense. Like my husband says, “commonsense is knowledge gained from experiences”. While people may have the right experiences to learn from, many may not be learning.
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