Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why are people so negitive and rude?

I have decided lately that it negitivity breeds negitivity and therefore is the main cause of our country's problems. Okay the whole negitivity breeds negitivity is not a new concept, but it is one I have not thought about in a long time. It is funny how you can be having a good day or even a great day and it does not take much or long until there is negativity all around you trying to pull you along with it. I used to be a very positive person, (or at least I thought so), and now it seams I am more of a glass is half empty person. I do not like it,but it seams like the negativity just surrounds me like a cloak some days and it depresses me.
It does not even have to be much, a rude person you encounter can change your whole afternoon. This is why I think our country has some of the issues we have. I not talking about the war or global warming or things of that nature. I talking about how we as a people interact with each other, live our lives and our health.
We have become an country with high stress levels, over weight, depressed, and health problems that results from these same issues. What do you see advertised all the time by the drug companies, antidepressant medications, sleeping pills, high blood pressure medication, pills to help you lose weight.

With our progress we have also regressed socially. In the so called good ole days were people new their neighbors by name, waved to the stranger driving by, took our time getting places, opened doors for people, had a conversation that did not included texting at the same time.

My biggest pet peeves is rude, inconsiderate drivers and those that do not know or choose to not follow the rules of the road. I am however choosing to help reduce my negative imprint on the world. I will refrain from honking rudely, tailgating, giving rude jesters, yelling or screaming at individuals. Now I have never done all these things, however I have been on the receiving end which only makes me angry, upset, and negative. Which is why I will refrain from these actions because it does not change what happened, but I can try to not let my children see me acting like a jerk. Yes, even when that blind driver cuts me off, maybe they are having a bad day and why do I need to make it worse? Just maybe I will see a little less negative around me. Would it hurt to let someone merge over when they put their blinker on instead of blocking them? And who knows, you may even get a smile and a wave back. Now that is something to spread.
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